The BC Biofuel team has brought together over two dozen organizations, including the Province of B.C., several regional governments, for-profits and non-profits who are working to bring waste cooking oil in British Columbia full circle back to the communities it is used in. The results currently are nearly 500 British Columbians and organizations, who are members of a series of Biofuel Co-operatives, purchasing Biofuel through card lock systems and pumps and who are creating a positive impact on the environment, reducing Greenhouse Gases, reducing pollution, and reducing or eliminating harmful asthma causing exhaust all over B.C.
The oil collection industry has changed considerably over the last decade. What was once a fee payer service now comes for free and can even have other benefits as well. With each litre of oil collected, the Cowichan Energy Alternative Society provides an annual Leadership Award estimating the Greenhouse Gases reduced by the contribution to biofuel. While they are not carbon credits, they demonstrate community leadership and environmental stewardship in their community. As well, Cowichan Energy can also deliver Carbon Footprinting for organizations as they have certified Canadian Standards Association GHG Quantifiers on staff. Being able to say that your organization is Carbon Neutral is becoming a strong tool for brand and customer loyalty.
British Columbia is emerging as one of the fastest growing and most advance biofuel communities on the planet. Due to this, recently Cowichan Energy Alternatives was chosen to host the 2011 International Collective Biofuels Conference. We were very excited as the first Canadian location to be chosen to host this International event, just over a year ago. The conference was last held in Washington D.C. and in August of 2011 it happened in the spectacular Cowichan Valley!
On behalf of Greasecycle, Cowichan Energy Alternatives and the rest of the members of the BC Biofuel Network, we are excited to present the BC Biofuel Network, a truly sustainable loop for waste oil to Biofuel in British Columbia.
By Miles Phillips
President, Cowichan Energy Alternatives Society